Brechin Morgan

Growing up on the sea, Morgan’s fascination with sailing led to his career as a marine painter. He was one of the first to build a studio in the American Fabrics Arts Building and was instrumental in persuading Westrock Development to turn the building into much-needed artist’s lofts when they took ownership.

After a childhood of summers in Waterford, Morgan’s observations of the light and the activities on the water shaped his future as a painter and a sailor. At 17, he bought his first sailboat from his paper route savings and began exploring the Thimble Islands and the coast, eventually working on charter boats in the Caribbean. Morgan attended the Silvermine College of Art in New Canaan but left to work on an oyster boat for two years. He owned and operated a sign business in Norwalk for 23 years, and had the chance to paint many outdoor nautical murals. The real inspiration for his life as a painter came from the 18 watercolor sketchbooks, the 10-volume journal and boxes of photos he filled during his solo journey around the world aboard his 27-foot sailboat, the Otter. Morgan set up his studio in the American Fabrics Arts Building and he’s been painting ever since.