Carol Reeves
Carol Reeves divides her time between Maine and Connecticut. This provides her with plein-air painting opportunities that would fill any painters palette. Also, her travels allow her to paint on location throughout the U.S. and Europe. Working in both oils and pastels, her painterly approach using lively brush strokes and bold color have earned her the title of “colorist”.
A hot under painting offers her the opportunity for juxstapositioning cool over hot, creating a sparkling effect that allows her paintings to glimmer.
Reeves received her formal education from the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts as well as studying with many master painters across the U.S.
Reeves has exhibited her work nationally and has been honored with many prestigious
awards. The Salmagundi Club, NYC, Catherine Lorillard Wolfe, National Arts Club, NYC,
Chicago Windy City Artists, Ort Technical Institute, Chicago, Oklahoma Artists, Tulsa, North Light Art Publications National Competition, Cincinnati, Ohio, Pastel Society of North Florida, Fort Walton Beach, Academic Artists Association, Springfield, MA, New Britain Museum of Art, CT, Renaissance in Pastels, Paul Melon Art Center, CT, and many more.
Reeves participates in many national shows and solo exhibitions. “The Romance of Europe” took place at The Carmelle Art Gallery of The Dequaine Museum and Cultural Center, November 2002. Her works are included in many private and corporate collections. She serves on the executive board of the CT Pastel Society and is a CPS Signature member. She is also a member of: The American Society of Portrait Painters, The American Academy of Women Artists, The International Society of Pastel Painters and a juried member of The International Society of Artists, based out of Sweden.