Devin Cecil-Wishing

San Francisco native, Devin Cecil-Wishing (b. 1981), began his art career at age 13 after developing an interest in underground comics. He attended San Francisco School of the Arts High School where, at age 14, he was offered his first commission. The classroom teacher noticed that Devin’s class “notes” were a rich assortment of well developed doodles and cartoons. In an unusual offer, the classroom teacher offered Devin a “B”, if he could produce a poster for his band. A successful poster was created for the teacher and Devin’s early art career was launched.

Devin went on to attend the California College of Arts and Crafts, where he graduated in 2005 with High Honors from the Illustration Dept. It was during this time that Devin began to more seriously explore other forms and styles of art. His education helped him develop interests in 60’s poster art, Surrealism – particularly the works of Dali, wildlife art and many other art styles. Following graduation, Devin traveled to Amsterdam to view works on display for the celebration of Rembrandt’s 400th birthday. It was during a trip to the Hague and a viewing of Rembrandt’s “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicholaes Tulp”, that Devin realized how much he loved traditional painting and desired to study it further. Returning to San Francisco, Devin began studying at the Atelier School of Classical Realism in Oakland, California. At the same time, he began working as an instructor, teaching traditional drawing to low-income high-school students in an after-school program. He discovered that not only did he love creating art; he also had a true love for teaching art. He quickly began to teach at several other Bay area locations.

Wanting to push his skills further, Devin applied and was accepted to study under the direction of Jacob Collins at the Grand Central Academy of Art in New York City. Devin moved to New York and began his studies in the summer of 2009. In his fourth year as a student he was invited to begin teaching classes there as well.

Devin’s work has been featured in numerous publications including Fine Art Connoisseur, American Artist Magazine, The Epoch Times, Bay Nature Magazine, The New Criterion and the San Francisco Chronicle. 

His work has been exhibited in galleries and museums across the country. He has received numerous awards including acceptance to the Hudson River Fellowship and first place in the Alfred Ross Prize for Excellence in Cast Drawing, and has been awarded in the Art Renewal Center’s annual scholarship competition. His work has also been featured and won awards in the Art Renewal Center’s Annual Salon multiple times.

He has also taught workshops around the globe, including in South Africa, Vienna, Seattle, New York and San Francisco.

Devin currently lives in New York City where he paints and teaches at the Grand Central Atelier.