Howard Carr
Looking Across, 16x20
On It's Way, 18x24
Pathway Home, 18x24
Rest Stop, 24x18
Play Day, 18x14
About Howard Carr
Howard is a Vietnam Veteran. After serving his country, he earned an art degree from Chouinard Art School and a fine art degree from California College of Arts. While honoring his skills in drawing and fine art he earned his living painting signed, billboards and graphic work in Boulder Colorado.
Howard’s impressionistic oils reflect clarity and simplicity. He is always experimenting with color and subject matter. “Nothing inspires me more than light.” Carr studies the hidden colors and values present by simply focusing on the important parts of the painting.
“Finding fresh inspiration has never been a problem for me, because I do not dissipate energy in competitiveness or seeking approval. It’s an ongoing quest to perfect what i love most, painting and of course my wife.”