Mark Brown

Still life painting of lemons and a blue glass jar on a dark background

For two decades, Mark has been perfecting his talent in both still life and landscape painting in the genre of contemporary realism.  Art has been his passion from childhood, and that led him to study at the prestigious Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia, PA.  Since that time, his award winning oil paintings have been enjoyed and collected throughout the United States at outdoor art festivals and galleries.

Currently, Mark is represented by North Light Gallery, In Kenebunkport, ME; Sheldon Gallery in Naples FL and Newport, RI.

Mark has been honored to receive many awards and to have his paintings selected as a group of finalists in national competitions such as Oil Painter's of America and NOAPS.  His work has been selected 3 times as a finalist for the Artist's Magazine annual competition out of 13,000 entries.  In addition, mark was pleased to have two of his paintings "The Chocolate Pot" and "Bananas" included in Oil Painters of America National Shows.  OPA represents some of the best artists in representational painting today.

The excellence of his work is evident in each piece.  To own a painting is to invest in an exquisite and valuable work of art that has been created to last for generations.  Each painting begins with a basic line drawing transferred to a smooth canvas.  He starts with general shapes, colors, and tones, adding progressively more detail with each layer of paint.  He uses a primary palette and a variety of brushes from bristle to sable, in his process.  

Mark considers his greatest masterpieces to be his three children, Luke, Eliana, and Aliya.  He and his wife Elizabeth reside in Carlisle, PA.

Whether it be of fruit reflected in a delicate piece of glass or the last of the sun glimmering over the waves at sunset, every painting offers the collector an opportunity to continually enjoy a moment in time, captured in all of its beauty and elegance.  Mark's artwork is a reflection of the often unnoticed beauty of God's creation.  

"The heavens declare the glory of God' the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1