Adrian Rigby

Born in 1962 in Lancashire, England, Adrian Rigby grew up surrounded by nature. Drawn towards art from an early age he has always been inspired by the woodland and moors of his hometown. A keen naturalist, Rigby spent much of his childhood learning about nature through observation. Billed as a wildlife artist, Rigby's work runs the gamut from maritime, to landscape, to wildlife and aviation themes.

He studied Natural History Illustration at Blackpool College of Art where his love for the sea grew. While there he found himself drawn more and more towards boats as objects of fascination and artistic inspiration. After his studies Rigby spent time as a commercial artist although he continued to return to nature and the sea for inspiration.

Clearing Away, Westward and Meteor IV, 20x24

Rich in both historic and atmospheric detail, Rigby's process is an exacting one. Beginning with observation and in-depth research both in the field and remotely he spends a long time building up the correct mood and weight for each subject. He writes that "...a spitfire has to look 'used and abused' as it was: a working machine in combat. The Titanic must 'cut' through the water like the 'heavyweight' giant she was. The finished result should look like a piece of history, frozen in full colour for the viewer to examine in detail" It is this attention and love which sets Rigby's works apart from others of the same genre, the paintings must meet his own exacting standards as an artist, an enthusiast, and a historian. It is exactly this cross appeal that endears his work to collectors worldwide.

He made his name in 1996 when his work swept the awards at the annual "Wildlife Art Society" show at Westminster Central Hall. To date he is the only wildlife artist to have swept all the top prizes. Since then his works have been exhibited in Harrod's and at the Tryon Gallery with juried and award winning entries in Southeastern Wildlife Expo, SEWE, and the Waterfowl Festival in Easton Maryland.

Today Rigby paints out of his three studios located in Florida, England, and Spain.


Brien Cole


Craig Mooney