Charles Emery Ross
1938 - 2022
Yellow Landscape, 12x12
Scarlett Summer, 30x24
Peak Season, 47x47
Colorful Day, 24x24
Dunes and Sky, 40x30
Mauve Max, 48x36
Naples View Ii, 18x18
Pastel Palms II, 30x24
The Right Touch, 40x50
Time of Day, 24x30
Tropical Splash, 48x48
What a Wonderful World, 48x48
Woodstick Woods, 36x48
Almost Hidden, 30x30
Beautiful day, 30x30
Burst of Color, 40x40
By the Sea, By the Sea, 48x48
Cafe Au Lait, 48x36
Captiva Blues, 48x36
Caramel Corn, 48x48
Comsopilitan, 40x40
First Blush, 48x48
Gaudeloupe, 50x40
Grey Flannel, 49x40
Hummingbird, 45x40
Iridescent Joy II, 59x29
London Evening I, 24x24
London Evening II, 24x24
Mesa, 30x40
Naples Sojourn I, 48x48
October Sky, 48x48
Orange Light, 36x36
Patina #2, 36x36
Prickley Pear I, 36x36
Prickley Pear, 36x36
Purple Trees, 24x30
Spa Series I, 12x12
Spa Series III, 12x12
Up at Duke's Place, 48x36
Wandering, 50x40
Warm Sands, 30x24
January Shades, 48x36
Pink Trees, 30x40
Rosy Cheeks, 46x46
Golden, 48x48
Into the Woods, 48x48
After a career in the world of advertising, serving in roles from art director to TV producer Charles Ross now paints full time in his Pendleton Art Center studio in the historic Over the Rhine section of Cincinnati.
A colorist and a graduate of the Central Academy of Commercial Art in Cincinnati, Ross' work range from contemporary to abstract. His award winning work is found in many private as well as corporate collections in America and abroad.
Ross regards each of his paintings as an adventure and a journey. "My hope is to take the viewer somewhere as well. It may not be the same place the piece took me, but rather somewhere they have been, or better yet, somewhere they have never seen."